Presbyopia is an eye condition that is a normal part of aging. This eye condition occurs when the eyes gradually lose their ability to see things clearly when up close. People after the age of 40 may start to experience this, despite any previous LASIK or eye surgery because there is no way to reverse or stop the normal aging process.
After the age of 40, the lens inside the eye becomes more rigid, which becomes difficult for them to change shape easily. Because of this, it becomes harder to read or do any close-up tasks. Fortunately, there are treatments for this eye condition, such as contact lenses, eyeglasses, or surgery.
Over the years, many adults tend to go for surgeries. In this article, we will share three common types of surgeries to treat presbyopia:
1. Kamra Corneal Inlay
This type of surgery can reduce or eliminate the need for reading glasses for individuals between the age of 45 and 60. However, they may need to have good distance vision without the need for glasses for this surgery to work. This is because the surgery involves inserting a tiny lens into the cornea to create a pinhole effect, which will minimize the amount of light entering the eye and let you focus on things that are close to you. Should you have distance vision problems, you may be recommended to undergo a LASIK surgery first.
2. Presbia Flexivue Microlens
This type of surgery is a corneal inlay that can improve near vision. It is less invasive and it usually takes less than ten minutes. The Presbia Flexivue Microlens is removable and replaceable should you need something stronger later in life.
The lens works by changing the refractive index of the eye, in which it creates a myopic area in the center of the field of vision. As a result, you will be able to see things close up because the focus of your eyes will be much better.
3. Monovision LASIK
Monovision LASIK helps correct the distance vision of one eye and make the non-dominant eye mildly nearsighted. After the surgery, the dominant eye will take the lead and provide you with a clear distance vision, while the non-dominant eye will help sharpen your sight. However, in this procedure, there is a compromise because it is unlikely that both eyes will provide clear visions.
Yet, some individuals get this surgery because they find it acceptable, while some don’t mind wearing special-purpose eyeglasses or contact lenses following the surgery.
Suffering from presbyopia doesn’t mean the end of the world. As mentioned, it’s part of the natural aging process. You can choose to have any of the surgeries mentioned to correct your vision or you can also choose to wear eyeglasses or contact lenses to help you see better. Either way, when the eyes start to “wear” due to the natural process of life, rest assured that there are ways to cope. These surgeries are not invasive, so you don’t have to worry!
Your doctor will know exactly what to do and the right type of treatment for your condition. Don’t let yourself suffer from presbyopia; you deserve to see the world as clearly as you can, even at the age of 40.
Valley Laser Eye Centre is known as one of the best laser eye clinics in Abbotsford. Our experts will ensure that your condition is looked at well so that you will have the best option for your condition. Get in touch with us today to see how we can help!
Disclaimer: This blog post does not replace medical advice and should not be implemented prior to consulting a fully certified medical professional.